Peace health internal medicine
Variant, peace health internal medicine
Peace health internal medicine older children, honey can be used to soothe a dry cough. Salt water soothes inflamed tissue and promotes healing. The salt can also kill bacteria in the mouth and throat. A study found that gargling with salt water cups medicine times per day reduced the duration of a cough by 2. It also reduced the duration of vocal hoarseness, sneezing, and a blocked nose. Tilt your head back and gargle gently for 30 seconds, then spit.
Never swallow the salt water. Many herbs have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce the swelling in your throat. Herbs are also chock-full of antioxidantswhich can help boost your immune system. Herbs used to treat dry cough include:. You can add herbs to your diet by brewing them into peace health internal medicine or adding them to your favorite recipes.
You can also look for supplements and extracts at your local health food store.
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