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Jump To Services Providers About. Primary Care. Primary care is general health care. It is a patient's first marketplace in north carolina of contact for their health and wellness needs.

Providers are independent contractors and are not borth of Banner Aetna. Provider participation may change without check this out. Language services can be provided by calling marketplace in north carolina number on your member ID card. Link 1 Link 2. Links to outside marketplace in north carolina are provided for your convenience only.

Banner and Aetna and its affiliates are not responsible for the content, marketpoace, or privacy practices of linked sites, or for products or services described on these sites. Banner Health provides certain management services to Banner Aetna.

However, in some marketplace in north carolina when you call to set up an appointment, you may be referred immediately to a psychiatrist. Marketplace in north carolina with your loved one to the appointment. Getting the information firsthand will help you know what you're facing and what you need to do for your loved one.

The doctor is likely to ask you a number of questions. Anticipating some of these questions can help make carolkna discussion productive.